Synyster Gates

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†Synyster Gates† 0 169 by †Synyster Gates†
Jun 16, 2007 14:07:00 GMT -5


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Synyster Gates
The whole south side of the run down city is now clamed by Syn, fenced in by a tall, crumbling yet sturdy stone wall. There was some grass here and there and there was even a place for a prison in one of the larger buildings. This was probably once the inner city of here for if there was a fight long ago and the outer city was over run, everyone would come here to hide. Two huge gates stand at the only entrance and exit, trimmed with rusting brass and with large lion rungs in the middle of each. It was because of these gates that Syn named this place after himself. Lilith can almost always be found guarding these gates and Syn and Vow close them every night to block off the exits to the slaves. In the morning they are opened again but Lilith lays in the dead center so there is basically no escape from this prison.
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